So, the "Dawn of the Dead", the "Night of the Living Dead", "Zombieland", or however you want to view the Zombie Apocalypse has finally arrived! Mass chaos and confusion, not to mention the onslaught brought forth by the living dead as they chow down on victims, has descended upon us! You are probably wondering what weapons you should have on hand to better survive the frenzied hordes that may come your way for dinner! (pun) Should you take the baseball bat, the chainsaw, the machete, or the flamethrower? Well, wonder no more! Let me help you take the guess work out and point you in the right logical direction. Here are some Do's and Don't on conventional and unconventional weapons for the Zombie Apocalypse.
Weapons you probably don't want to use during a zombie apocalypse:
Flamethrower - Oh, this device looks cool as hell as you fire it up and cook down the un-dead! But, its not as useful as one might think. For one thing, it will slow you down which is something you do not want during a zombie invasion. You need to be fast on your feet and not weighted down tremendously. Two, what's worse than hungry murdering zombies? Hungry murdering zombies on fire! Let one or more of these running fireballs latch a hold, then you will not be having a good day!
Sniper Rifle - This is okay for long range shots, but most of your encounters with zombies will most likely be close up. I am not saying that you still can't have fun shooting them at long distances. Stick with sniper rifles that are 7.62 caliber, since these utilize NATO rounds which are also 7.62 and most likely available in nearby gun stores. Also, position yourself or you marksman on a roof where the zombies may not be able to get quick access. But, you better be ready for if and when the zombies do close in on your position for a more up close and personal encounter. We all know that everyone eventually ends up being surrounded by a huge zombie mob. The Sniper Rifle then loses its usefulness.
Chainsaw - This is a popular weapon of choice for the zombie apocalypse, but it might not be the best. After all, it's heavy, it's awkward, and unless you're a lumberjack you're not going to know how to use it efficiently. Once it runs out of gas, its pretty much useless anyway. Still, a good weapon in a pinch if there are only a few zombies, and you don't mind getting bloody gore and body parts all over you.
Good weapons of choice for the zombie apocalypse:
Baseball Bat - This is possibly the best all around weapon for killing zombies. It is cheap, readily available, requires no ammunition and little skill required. All you have to do is swing for the head. A metal bat is probably better than wood, but if wood is all you have, then by all means BATTER UP!
Machete - A nice big knife with a nice sharp edge is always a good choice for the zombie apocalypse. However, I do advise one caution: Machete's and other big knives have been known to stick in a body when used, so be careful that your weapon isn't yanked from your grip when surrounded by zombies. Don't waste time and energy hacking at a zombie's chest or arms. Always, and I mean always, GO FOR THE NECK! A zombie with no head is a zombie who can't bite you and will thus be out of the game! Permanently!
Katana (Ninja sword) - If you happen to have one of these on hand and it is properly sharpened, they're excellent for cutting zombies clean in half. But, I would give the same advice as before and go straight for the beheading. Or, if you find yourself in a pinch, cut off the legs. Even if it's not dead, a legless zombie will be considerably slower, giving you a chance to run away.
Guns - Pistols and handguns are extremely useful during a zombie apocalypse. They're quick, and they have range, allowing you to pick off a horde before it can get close enough to eat you. But, they require skill to use, so its best to take several shooting classes to familiarize yourself with a gun if you suspect a zombie plague will break out soon. If zombies do get close, always shoot for the head. It drops them faster!
Grenades - Most of us aren't lucky enough to have grenades but if you can get access to some, they're great for thinning down the herd of flesh eating zombiacs. Just make sure when you pull the pin, hold the lever down. Then, let go of the lever and throw the damn thing quickly. DUCK behind cover! KABOOOOM!
Claymore mines - Not that you will have immediate access to these, but you might be able to locate these at military bases or National Guard armories. If you find yourself lucky to possess one or more, position them where zombies may utilize certain trails or choke points. Plant these strategically around your home to help fortify your position, which should help you to take out a large number or thin down the herd at least. C-4 and dynamite is also useful, providing you can get your hands on them.
Axe - Good only if you're strong enough to swing it quickly. Also, watch out for it sticking in the skull and the center mass of the body.
Shovel/Mace/Iron Pipe/Other - Blunt and bludgeoning type weapons are always good choices. Just about anything that you can pick up and swing with enough force to crack a skull is good. So don't overlook anything. In an emergency, lots of everyday items will do: lamps, chairs, shovels, golf clubs. Know your surroundings, and use them to fight off your attackers.
And, my number one choice for surviving the zombie apocalypse:
Shotgun - There is no better close-quarters weapon than the humble shotgun. Except perhaps a sawed-off shotgun for an even wider angle. For sheer, face shredding, multiple skull exploding power, it really can't be beat. If you can, get your hands on an automatic shotgun, so that you don't have to keep racking a new round in the chamber. It will just save you much precious time when zombie hordes try to over-run your position. Just make sure you grab a lot of ammo, maybe have a bandolier with shells inserted wrapped across your body for accessability. Try to avoid counting on a double barrel shotgun with a single break open. The most you will get out of this weapon is 2 shots before you have to reload it again.
In addition, have a backup bludgeoning weapon on hand (see: baseball bat) when you run out of shells. In my opinion, you should carry at least three weapons on you at all times. It's essential to be prepared when facing the zombie apocalypse.